Daily Joys...behind the scenes at our studio
Have you read the news today? Oh boy...
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at a textiles studio?
We find our escape on the edge of the Design District in Dallas, TX. The joys of having a studio-based practice for a business are many... goal-setting, collaboration, celebrating small (and big) victories. Here's a little behind the scenes of our day-to-day...what we do to bring you beautiful, natural, and sustainable textiles. Enjoy!
Our colorbook and yarn swatches give grounds to the design process. Beginning with a color palette shapes a new design line.

Material girls through and through, natural fibers sing the story of KUFRI. Selecting the right yarns for the design are instrumental for our process.

Once our designs are woven, our textiles are stocked in Dallas. Memos on hand for delivery or showroom pick up. You can order online through your trade account or contact us directly.
See Mili here checking stock for your next order ;)